What happens if your CDL gets suspended? (CDL Suspension)
A suspension on your commercial driver’s license can occur for a number of reasons, but the most common include: Driving Under the Influence (DUI), driving without insurance, excessive traffic violations and others that vary depending on the state.
If you are convicted of two serious violations within three years, you could lose your license for up to 60 days. Three convictions within three years will result in a suspension of up to 120 days. Violations that are considered “serious” include: Driving a commercial vehicle without a CDL, speeding 15 mph over the speed limit or more, tailgating, traffic violations involving fatalities, unsafe lane changes, and railroad crossing violations.
Drivers convicted of aggravated offenses can lose their license for up to a year. Those offenses include: operating a commercial vehicle with a suspended or revoked license, using a commercial vehicle to commit a felony, leaving the scene of an accident, refusing to submit to a blood alcohol test if suspected of driving under the influence, and using a commercial vehicle to commit a felony. Whether or not your license is reinstated after the suspension will depend on your individual case, driving history, regulations in your state, and outcome in court.
When your license is suspended, you lose all driving privileges for your commercial vehicle and will be required to apply for limited driving privileges for your personal vehicle. Your commercial driving privileges will be lost in every state, not just the one in which your license was issued.
Receiving a suspension makes a negative impact on your driving history and could cost you your job, as well as the possibility of other jobs in the future. It’s important to understand that you can protect yourself and fight for your good driving record with the help of experienced an experienced CDL attorney who knows trucker law and how to defend you. Our team is here to protect you 24 hours a day.